Thursday, May 27, 2010

Mathematica & Wolfram Alpha

Been busy quite lately with works piling and planning for some overseas work. I have came across something useful today. It a site called wolfram alpha. They even have cool mathematical and computational tools now ver 7.0 mathematica.

Well wolfram alpha is about making computational mathematical online and it is really cool. wonder if smartphone is allow at school or exam.. I dont have to remember all those differential equations steps if that allow ...

Monday, May 17, 2010

AHAH - Asynchronous HTML over HTTP

AHAH is a simpler version of AJAX.  AJAX uses the XML file while in AHAH, it uses XHTML
In AHAH you can display external XHTML pages inside your HTML page as the browser are already equipped to handle them.

In AJAX, developer actually need to write code that can parse the XML, extract data and show result.