According to the layers from top to bottom, at top most we have Software as a Service, follow by Platform as a Service and bottom most Infrastructure as a Service.
First we discuss SaaS. SaaS is essentially providing software traditionally need to be purchase by licenses into a pay as you used model.
Software as a Service(SaaS)- Cloud Applications
Complexity : Low
Flexibility : Minimal Control, determine by apps provider, minimal customization
Consumers: End Users
Type of services: Webmails, MessageLabs, Virus Scanners, online office suite-zoho, CloudFront etc
Pricing: Price based on per used basis.
- Save Time & Cost,
- Budget focus of competitive advantage instead of infrasturture,
- Utility model of pay as you used, without worrying of licenses or version upgrades
- Faster to start use, no need to install.
- Flexible & Scalable and
- Multi-tenant efficiency.
Examples: GoogleApps,, Cybershift, Zoho, TurboTax Online, Microsoft Online Services, MailTrust.
PaaS provide a platform for business to quickly churn out applications without worrying about setting up servers and development tool licenses. Sometime SaaS can also ride on top of PaaS
Platform as a Service(SaaS)- Cloud Platforms
Complexity : Middle
Flexibility : Medium Control
Consumers: Developers, Programmers,
Type of services: development system, debugging and testings, deployment
Pricing: Price based on per used basis.
- Multi-location development sites working together possible
- Multi interaction development
- Cost reductions derived from using built-in infrastructure services
- Cost reductions derived from using highlevel programming abstractions
- Opensource and standardization possible
- Multi-tenant efficiency.
Examples: Amazon Web Services, GoogleAppEngine,, WindowsAzure, engineyard(based on rails on cloud)
, WolfFramework(below is the comparison chart extracted courtesy of article comparing "Amazon's and Google's Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) Offerings")
IaaS abstract the computer infrastructure of a system. It can sometime be also refers as Everything as a Service model as it can also include PaaS and SaaS in it.
Infrastructure as a Service(SaaS)- Cloud Infrastructure
Complexity :High
Flexibility : Full Control
Consumers: Systems Administrators
Type of services: development system, debugging and testings, deployment
Pricing: Price by utilisation, size, performance.
- Resources delivered as a service
- Dynamic scaling of infrastructure(Elasticity)
- Lower CapEx as infrastructure is used as service
- Enterprise graded infastructure can be used by mid or small size company to benefit due to aggregated sharing
- Multi-tenant efficiency.
Annex A
comparison chart extracted courtesy of article comparing "Amazon's and Google's Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) Offerings"